
The aarakocra, also known as birdfolk, are monstrous avian humanoids who reside high up in the mountains. Many aarakocra originate from the Elemental Plane of Air. Furthermore, aarakocra are immigrants, refugees, scouts, and/or explorers, with their outposts functioning as footholds in a world both strange and alien.

D&D Aarakocra

Aarakocra Traits

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2 points, your Wisdom score increases by 1 point.

Age: Aarakocra live up to a max of around 30 years.

Alignment: Most aarakocra have neutral alignment; however, tribal leaders and warriors may be lawful good or neutral, while explorers and adventurers may tend toward a chaotic alignment.

Claustrophobia: When you are in spaces smaller than the 10ft x 10ft that do not have access to the sky, you must make a Wisdom save (DC 10) each in-game hour. If you fail, you are frightened until you leave the space or make a successful Wisdom save at the next in-game hour interval.

Eagle Eyes: Accustomed to having to spot prey from a distance also you have a proficiency in the perception skill.

Flight: You have a flying speed of 50 feet. You cannot be wearing medium or heavy armor when flying.

Glide: You’ve resistance to damage at the level 3rd there only you have received like a result of falling. Of course you might make a long jump and also high jump as a single action and also double the distance of each which is to execute a glide. Any damage can be taken and also immediately ends the glide. Executing a glide may provoke an opportunity attack.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, Aarakocra, and Auran.

Size: Aarakocra are about 5ft tall and have light weight bodies of 80 – 100lbs.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Standing Jump:When you’re in 1st level you can jump (it might be a long jump or High Jump) from your standing position Without your first move 10 feet and also you can ignore the half distance penalty.

Talons: You are proficient with unarmed strikes, dealing 1d4 slashing damage on a hit.

Aarakocra General Info:

Patron Deity Syranita
Activity Cycle Day
Homeland Maztica, Star Mounts, Storm Horns,Cloven Mountains,Mistcliffs,Coliar[4]
Language Aarakocra,Auran,Common
Favored Climate Warm, temperate
Favored Terrain Mountains
Diet Carnivore

Aarakocra Appearance

Average Height 5 feet
Average Wingspan 20 feet (6 meters)
Average Weight 90 – 100lbs

Aarakocra are similar in appearance to a giant bird when they are flying, but on the ground one immediately notices the distinct humanoid appearance. Reaching a height of near 5 feet when standing upright, aarakocra have powerful legs that can transform between four sharp talons or functional hands.

Feathers run the entire length of their body. Of course, plumage incorporated into the body designates the membership hierarchy in the tribe. Aarakocra males are signified with bright colored feathers in red, orange, or yellow. Females adorn feathers that are more subtle in color, being gray or brown. Aarakocra faces are a mix of features of parrots and eagles, and they have gray-black beaks with black eyes.

Avian Behavior:

Beyond just physical features, aarakocra also showcase similar behaviors as ordinary birds. For instance, aarakocra are quite particular about their plumage, frequently tending to and cleaning their feathers as all birds are observed to do. Moreover, aarakocra also punctuate their normal speech with chirps; these chirps are used to emphasize expressions or moods given their faces are unable to showcase emotions. Aarakocra may frustrate people as the former do not understand the meaning of ownership (because who can own the sky?), and will snatch livestock or pillage agricultural harvests (nuts and fruits). This can quickly anger individuals, and in some instances entire towns. Additionally, aarakocra are drawn to shiny objects and will dive-bomb individuals in attempt to snatch said objects as keepsakes.

Furthermore, a majority of aarakocras do not entertain the ideal of bondage or slavery. Accustomed to the freedom and safety of flying, aarakocraa are claustrophobic. This claustrophibia is typically seen through their fear of being confined to the ground,  which for many aarakocra may be a form of bondage and torture far worse than death itself. Because of this fear, even while sitting on the tree or mountain top, aarakocra are always alert and ready to flee or fight at a moments notice.

Sky Wardens

Aarakocra are most comfortable in the sky, often flying continuously for hours and keeping a watchful eye on the ground. Some can fly for days at a time by locking their wings in a fixed position and letting their thermals hold them up. Meanwhile, in their native plane, aarakocra can remain airborne for days or even months at a time, landing only to lay eggs and feed their young. In combat, aarakocra are extremely dangerous due to their acrobatic abilities and swift maneuverability, allowing them to inflict damage with weapons or their talons before flying off.


The sky forms a permanent plane to house the extremely courageous and powerful aarakocra. Characters play an important role in preventing the swarm of enemies intruding into their territory. Sometimes, nests of aarakocra are transferred into the world through accidents; others are ported to other dimensions where they create nests higher up in the mountains on the tress or under the canopies. Creating nests high up safeguards their offspring from the prying eyes of enemies.

When tribes of aarakocra establish settlements, they will carve out a space of at least 100 miles as a hunting ground for themselves. Generally, the tribes hunt in close vicinity to their settlement. However, if the prey is negligible, their hunting space may increase over a period of time. The area of hunting can also increase if the tribe has a large number of members.

The colony of the tribes resembles a large open roof with a nest constructed with the assistance of woven vines. Much like with other species, the eldest aarakocra is the leader and a shaman functions as a support role.


Aarakocra could not create a foothold in the land of Faerun as they were only able to create four colonies. The first was established in the Star Mounts with the high forest; the second was founded in Storm horns in Cormyr; the third colony arose in the Cloven mountains on the Vilhon reach; and the fourth colony was created at Mistcliffs in Chult. Settlers in the Star Mounts were quite secretive and were only spotted when they flew high up in the air.

Life was generally easy for the aarakocra until the green dragon appeared, attacking the humanoids and killing half of the population. Consequently, aarkocras were scarred by the massacre and shifted to nomadic living as a survival method. However, they swore an oath to hunt down every single dragon they see in the sky. Since the massacre, generations of aarakocra have worked tirelessly against the foe. But with a majority of birds gone, only remnants of colonies survive at the slope of the star mounts in the southern direction.

Nearby, several dozen humanoids reside at the head water of the unicorn run in the last Aerie area. This location was strategic, however, in recent times, the tribal elders noticed the prevailing winds have suddenly changed. According to them, signs are ominous and they should brace up for the hard times. The Aarakocras of the material plane are different from their cousins in the realm version because the former do not fly into the plane of the air.

Great Purpose

Aarakocra enjoy peace and solitude, and they have little interest in dealing with other creatures. Thus, it takes extraoridinary circumstances for one to leave its tribe. Unenamoured with treasure or glory, aarakocra tend to leave their tribe for very specific reasons: a dire threat to its people, a mission of vengeance, or a catastrophe.

They have long established connections with the Wind dukes of Aqaa, therefore some of the gifted members of the tribes may respect the connection and embark on the quest to search for the missing links of the Rod of seven parts. It is said that the pieces are artifacts of the winds of Duke designed to subjugate the huge champion of the Queen of Chaos called the Miska spider When the sword entered spider’s body, stirring in the blood created a heavy pressure on the metal and broke the artifacts into numerous pieces scattered across the length and breadth of the multiverse. If the pieces are found, it would restore the honor of the tribe in the eyes of the creator and would also help in designing the weapon ready to ward off the evil.

It is an established fact that the humanoid birds are historical enemies of elemental earth. They despise gargoyles who are guardians of Ogremoch, regarded as the prince of earth. Bothe species fight all along the planes of the ground but they are also are involved in duels in air. Many Aarakocras have proved their mettle by successfully repulsing the attacks of Gargoyles. They also support the other humanoids that are sacrificing their lives in controlling the cult powers of the earth.

Aarakocra Names

Naming of the members of the tribe is quite peculiar as the bird names incorporate frills, clicks, trills and whistles. Majority of people face huge difficulties in pronouncing the words including syllables. Generally, names comprises of four syllables joined by connectors. In order to avoid the difficulties, the humanoid characters often use the shortened words of their name or the nick names awarded to them by the others. Some of the favorite examples of the names include Aera, Aial, Aur and Deekek.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q1: Is Aarakocra a playable race?

A: Yes, aarakocra were first presented as a playable character race in the first edition of D&D, featuring in The Wings of Eagles, Dragon #124.

Q2: What book is aarakocra in 5e?

A: They returned as a character race in the Elemental Evil Player’s Companion, though they also appear in Storm King’s Thunder and the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount.

Q3: What Do Aarakocra look like?

A: The aarakocra look like differently for male and females, like for Males are brightly colored, with feathers of red, orange, or yellow. Females have more subdued colors, usually brown or gray.

Q4: How old are aarakocra?

A: They can live for 30 years.

Q5: Can Aarakocra see in the dark?

A: Up to 60 feet the aarakocra can see in the dark.

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