
With their scaly skin and their reptile-like body, Lizardfolk have more in the common with iguanas or dragons than they do with humanoid races. Lizardfolk possess an alien and almost inscrutable mindset; their desires and thoughts being driven more by basic fundamentals of life than the complex thoughts and desires of warm-blooded creatures.

Their dismal swamp homes might lie hundreds of miles from the nearest human settlement, but the gap between their cultures and ways of thinking is even greater. However, even with their alien-like mindset and outlook, they try to understand and befriend people of the other races.

Lizardfolk 5e

Lizardfolk Traits

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Natural Armor: Your skin is tough and scaly. When you’re not wearing armor, your AC would be 13+ your Dexterity modifier. You can use natural armor to recognize your AC if the armor which you wear would be leave you with the lower AC. A shields benefits apply like normal when ever you use your natural armor.

Alignment: Most Lizardfolk are neutral. Coming from a place of predators and prey, they see the world, and for that matter life and death, as a neutral cycle. To this end, most only wish to survive and prefer to leave the other creatures to their own devices.

Age: Lizardfolk can live more than 60 years, reaching maturity around age of 14.

Size: These races are taller and bulkier than average humans; although, their cobra-like frills can make them seem even larger. Their size is medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet, as is your swimming speed.

Hungry Jaws: In battle, you can throw into the vicious feeding frenzy by yourself. With the bonus action, you can make the special attack with your bite. Hungry jaws deal its normal damage whenever the attack hits and then you will gain temporary hit points (HP) (minimum 1) which is equal to your constitution modifier. Until you would be finished a short or long rest, you can not use this trait again.

Lizardfolk Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic languages.

Hunter’s Lore: You gain proficiency in two of the following skills: animal handling, nature, perception, stealth and survival.

Hold Breath: You can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes.

Cunning Artisan: As the part of a short rest, you can easily harvest bone and also hide from the dragon, monstrosity, slain beast, construct, or plant the creature of size either smaller or larger to create one of the items such as : a shield, a javelin, a club, or the 1d4 darts or else the blowgun needles.

If you want to use this cunning artisan trait then you need a blade, like the dagger, or the appropriate artisan’s tools that means leather worker tools.

Bite: Here your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can easily use to make the unarmed strikes. If you hit with it then you will deal piercing damage which is equal to the 1d6+your strength modifier, it is instead of the bludgeoning damage which is normal for an unarmed strike.


Lizardfolk experience a more limited emotional life than other humanoids. Like most reptiles, their feelings largely revolve around fear, aggression, and pleasure. Further, they see emotions as traits assigned to other creatures, objects, and situations. A lizardfolk doesn’t think, “I’m scared.” Instead, aggressive and stronger creatures are simply perceived as fearsome beings to be avoided if possible.

Lizardfolk rarely become angry in the way others do, but they act with aggression toward creatures that they could defeat in a fight and that can’t be dealt with in some other manner. Pleasurable people and things make life easier for lizardfolk, and thus should be preserved and protected.


Lacking any internal emotional reactions, lizardfolk behave in a distant manner. They don’t mourn fallen comrades or rage against their enemies. They simply observe and react as a situation warrants.

Because they lack meaningful emotional ties to the past, they assess situations based on their current and future utility and importance. Nowhere does this come through as strongly as when they deal with the dead. To a lizardfolk, a comrade who dies becomes a potential source of food. That companion might have once been a warrior or hunter, but now the body is just freshly killed meat. A lizardfolk who lives among other humanoids can, over time, learn to respect other creatures’ emotions. That being said, they don’t share those feelings and instead assesses them in a clinical manner.


As it has been mentioned throughout this page, the lizardfolk mindset might seem unnecessarily cruel, but it helps them survive in a hostile environment. The swamps they inhabit are filled with a staggering variety of threats, thus leading them to focus on survival above all.

Lizardfolk see little need to plan more than the season or further into the future; nor do they have interest in developing skills such as writing, cultivation, artistic endeavors, etc. They instead focus on the simple lifestyle of hunting and gathering.


At their core, lizardfolk view other humanoids with an indifference verging on pity.

In the swamps the typical human would barely make it through a day.

Still, if other creatures prove useful to lizardfolk, those creatures can trigger a protective response made all the stronger by their apparent weakness. The lizardfolk assess such beings as hatchlings, young ones incapable of protecting themselves but who might prove useful in the future if they receive care.


To inspire unique mannerisms or personality quirks for your character, you can use the table below.


d8 Quirk
1 You hate waste and see no reason not to scavenge fallen enemies. Fingers are tasty and portable!
2 You sleep best while mostly submerged in water.
3 Money is meaningless to you.
4 You think there are only two species of humanoid: lizardfolk and meat.
5 You have learned to laugh. You use this talent in response to all emotional situations, to better fit in with your comrades.
6 You still don’t understand how metaphors work. That doesn’t stop you from using them at every opportunity.
7 You appreciate the soft humanoids who realize they need chain mail and swords to match the gifts you were born with.
8 You enjoy eating your food while it’s still wriggling.

Lizardfolk Stats:

Size Medium
Type Humanoid
Tag’s Lizardfolk

Lizardfolk General Info:

Vision Darkvision
Average Lifespan Up to 80 years
Homeland’s Chessenta, Chondalwood, Chult, Lake of Steam, Nelanther Isles, Vilhon Reach, Western Heartlands
Language’s Draconic, Common
Subraces Lizard king, Blackscale Poison Dusk

Lizardfolk Appearance:

Average Height 6′ – 7′ (1.8–2.1 m)
Average Weight 200–250 lbs. (90.7–113 kg)
Skin Color Green, black,gray, brown,


The Lizardfolk take names from the draconic 5e language. For these names, they use simple descriptors granted by the tribe that are based on the individual’s notable deeds or actions.

For instance, Garurt translates as “axe,” and a name which is given to the Lizardfolk warrior who defeated an ore and claimed his foe’s weapon. A Lizardfolk those who likes to hide in a stand of reeds before ambushing an animal which might be called Achuak, which means color “green” to describe how she blends into the foliage.

Lizardfolk names do not differentiate between genders (male/female). Each of the example name do include its translation in the parenthesis.

S.No Lizardfolk Names
1 Achuak (green)
2 Aryte (war)
3 Baeshra (animal)
4 Darastrix (dragon)
5 Garurt (axe)
6 Irhtos (secret)
7 Jhank (hammer)
8 Kepesk (storm)
9 Kethend (gem)
10 Korth (danger)
11 Kosj (small)
12 Kothar (demon)
13 Litrix (armor)
14 Mirik (song)
15 Othokent (smart)
16 Sauriv (eye)
17 Throden (many)
18 Thurkear (night)
19 Usk (iron)
20 Valignat (burn)
21 Vargach (battle)
22 Verthica (mountain)
23 Vutha (black)
24 Vyth (steel)

By using the lizard name generator, every one can generate their favorite name too. So try it now by using the name generator.


Lizardfolk speech is common in nature and almost always  literal. With some difficulty, they may occasionally pick up idioms, although these idioms can easily confuse other Lizardfolk.

By using common words, they tend to apply their personal style naming conventions to other creatures. When describing the world, Lizardfolk use active verbs only. In cold weather, a Lizardfolk might say “This wind brings cold” rather than “I feel cold”. Lizardfolk tend to be define things in terms of actions rather than effects.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Q1: What Are The Lizardfolk Subraces?

A: There are five types of Lizardfolk subraces:  1) Gecko, 2) Monitor Chameleon, 3) Frilled, 4) Gila Monster, and 5) Horned Lizard.

Q2: Do Lizardfolk have darkvision?

A: The Lizardfolk is usually a 6 ft to 7 ft tall with the green, gray or else the brown scales. Of course its tail is used for the balance and also it is 3 to 4 feet long. This lizardfolk can weigh from 200 to 250 pounds.

Q3: What Books are Lizardfolk in?

A: Monster Manual for the 5th edition (2014) andVolo’s Guide to the Monsters (2016)

Q4: What Language do Lizardfolk speaks?

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