Conditions Of D&D 5th Edition

Dungeons and Dragons is a pen and paper based role-playing game. Its new version that is D&D 5th
Edition has just launched. The game has various rules and regulations that you should know to play the
game. On this page we have described some important 5e conditions that should be remember while playing
the game.

D&D 5E Conditions

Conditions change the creature’s capabilities by the different ways and it can come as the result of the
spell, monster’s attack, class feature or other effects also. Maximum number of conditions like blinded, are the impairments, but some of the few d&d conditions like invisible could be advantageous.

A D&D condition lasts either it is countered (the prone condition which was countered by the standing up, for example) or for a specific duration which specified by the effect which imposed the condition.

Each instance of the conditions has their own duration, whenever the multiple effects impose the exact condition on a creature. But the effect’s of that condition’s don’t get worse. But it doesn’t matter that a creature has the condition or not.

What result would a creature get when it is subjected to a condition. The following definations, will specify that.


  • A blinded creature is not able to see and it automatically fails when any kind of ability check which requires sight.
  • Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, but the creature’s attack rolls does not have
    any advantages that mean’s they have disadvantage.


  • A charmed creature is unable to use the harmful abilities or magical effects to attack the charmer.
  • To interact with the creature the charmer has its advantage on ability check


  • A deaf creature is unable to hear and it fails automatically in the ability check which requires hearing.


  • You have to observe the Exhaustion below


  • On an Ability Checks and Attack Rolls, a frightened creature has disadvantages while the source of
    its fear lies in a range of sight.
  • Creature can never move closer to its source of fear willingly.


  •  When a Grappled Creature reaches the speed 0 then it cannot get any benefit from any bonus for the sake of it’s speed
  • If the grappler is incapacitated then the condition will end automatically (Refer Condition)
  • If an effect removes the grappled creature from the reach of the grappler or its grappling effect, like when a creature through away with the Thunderwave spell then the condition ends.


  • The Incapacitated creature cannot do either actions or reactions.


  • Magic or special sense should be required to see an invisible creature. The creature’s location can be
    traced by any noise it makes or any tracks that it leaves. But for the purpose of hiding, the creature is obscured heavily.
  • There is a disadvantage of the attack rolls against the creature, while there is an advantage for the
    creature’s attack rolls.


  • A paralyzed creature is unable to move or speak. It is incapacitated (You can check the Condition)
  • The creature naturally fails the strength and dexterity saving throws.
  •  There are some benefits for the attack rolls which are against the creature.
  •  If the attacker is within the distance of 5 feet from the creature and whatever the Attack, which hits the creature is critical hit


  • A petrified creature is transformed, with any non-magical object that is wearing or carrying, into a solid inanimate
    substance mostly stone. Its weight increases ten times, and thus the aging does not show on it.
  • The creature is incapable, cannot move or speak, and does not know about its surroundings (Observe the condition)
  •  There are some advantages for the attack rolls which are against the creature.
  •  The creature automatically fails the strength and dexterity saving throws.
  •  The creature has resistance to every damage.
  •  The creature is safe from poison and any type of disease, its system contains these disease and poison is suspended, not neutralized.


  • On the Attack Rolls and Ability Checks, a poisoned creature has disadvantage.


  • The movement option of the prone creature is to crawl. unless it stands up and then the condion will end.
  • On attack rolls the creature has disadvantage
  • if the attacker is within the distance of 5 feet from creature then an attack roll against the creature has an advantage, if doesn’t the attack roll has disadvantage.


  • It can not benefit from any bonus to its speed whenever the restrained creature’s speed become zero.
  • Advantages are for the attack rolls which are against to the creature, and the disadvantages are for the
    creature’s attack rolls.
  • On the Dexterity Saving Throws, the creature has disadvantage.


  • A stunned creature cannot move, but can speak only with weak confidence.
  • The creature will fail automatically strength and dexterity saving throws
  • Finally, the Attack rolls which against to the creature are great advantages.


  •  An unconscious creature is unable to move or speak (Check Condition), and it doesn’t have any idea about its surroundings
  • When the Creature is in an unconscious and hold any item or whatever it may be, it drops and falls prone.
  • Strength and dexterity saving throws, automatically failed by this creature.
  • Advantages are for the attack rolls which are against the creature.
  •  If the attacker is at the 5 feet distance of any specific creature then any attack that hits the creature will be the critical hit.


Some Special Abilities and some Environmental Hazards  such as starvation, the long-term effects of freezing or scorching temperatures, can be a cause to the Special Condition known as Exhaustion. There are six levels to measure this condition (Exhaution). An effect can give one or more levels of 5e exaustion to a creature, which said in the effect’s description.

D&D Exhaustion Effects

Level Effect

1 Disadvantage on ability checks
2 Speed halved
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
4 Hit point maximum halved
5 Speed reduced up to 0
6  Death

If a creature is exhausted and suffers another effect then it causes the exahustion and its exhaustion (current level) increases by the some described amount of the above effect’s table.

A creature suffers the effect of its current level of exhaustion as well as its all lower levels. As an example, a creature is suffering from level 2 of exhaustion like its speed halved and it will be having the disadvantage on its ability checks.

An Effect which removes exhaustion also reduces its level as we said in the above effect’s description, if a creature’s exhaustion level is reduced below one then all exhaustion effects will be ending.

Finishing a Long Rest will reduce a creature’s exhaustion by level 1. By providing which the creature too has ingested some amount of food and drink.

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